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m1 copy Apple Distribution Certificates 본문


m1 copy Apple Distribution Certificates

엠투 2021. 6. 18. 17:13

m1 copy Apple Distribution Certificates

기존 맥북프로 2013 에서 작업하던 인증서를 m1 맥북 프로에 복사하고 보니

개발자 인증은 괜찮은데 배포버전 인증서는 오류가 발생..뭐지~~

구글 검색하다가 https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/674198


iOS Distribution: Missing Private … | Apple Developer Forums

I think either the WWDR is working because your cert is now valid or you didn't need it to begin with. The issues with signing might just be related to your version of XCode, it sounds like you're doing everything I had to do. Sorry I couldn't help more, h


보니 automatic signing process 로 해결했다 하여

해보니 경고가 나고 다시 automatic signing process 해제 하여 보니 인증이 되네 ..

