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PHP 다중쿼리 mysqli_multi_query 트랜잭션 예제 본문
PHP 다중쿼리 mysqli_multi_query 트랜잭션
예제 1
$db_host = "";
$db_user = "codeigniter4";
$db_pass = "codeigniter4";
$db_name = "codeigniter4";
$dbConn = mysqli_connect("$db_host", "$db_user", "$db_pass", $db_name);
$multi_query = "
insert into test_db set name = 'test1';
insert into test_db set name = 'test2';
insert into test_db set name = 'test3';
insert into test_db set name = 'test4';
mysqli_query($dbConn, "START TRANSACTION");
if (mysqli_multi_query($dbConn, $multi_query)) {
do {
// store first result set
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($dbConn)) {
// fetch one and one row
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
printf("%s\n", $row[0]);
// free result set
// if there are more result-sets, the print a divider
if (mysqli_more_results($dbConn)) {
} while (mysqli_more_results($dbConn) && mysqli_next_result($dbConn));
if (mysqli_errno($dbConn)) {
echo "Error: " . mysqli_error($dbConn);
if ($mysqli_error = mysqli_error($dbConn)) { // check & declare variable in same step to avoid duplicate func call
mysqli_query($dbConn, "ROLLBACK");
echo "
<div style=\"color:blue;\"> Query = ", $multi_query, "</div>
<div style=\"color:green;\"> Syntax Error = $mysqli_error</div>
mysqli_query($dbConn, "COMMIT");
예제 2
$db_host = "";
$db_user = "codeigniter4";
$db_pass = "codeigniter4";
$db_name = "codeigniter4";
$dbConn = mysqli_connect("$db_host", "$db_user", "$db_pass", $db_name);
if (!$dbConn) {
echo "Error: Unable to connect to MySQL." . PHP_EOL;
echo "Debugging errno: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL;
echo "Debugging error: " . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL;
$q["0"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test0'";
$q["1"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test1'";
$q["2"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test2'";
mysqli_query($dbConn, "START TRANSACTION");
if (mysqli_multi_query($dbConn, implode(';', $q))) {
do {
$q_key = key($q); // current query's key name (Orders or Inventory)
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($dbConn)) { // if a result set... SELECTs do
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { // if one or more rows, iterate all
$rows[$q_key][] = $row;
//echo "<div><pre>" . var_export($rows[$q_key], true) . "43242342</pre></div>";
} while (next($q) && mysqli_more_results($dbConn) && mysqli_next_result($dbConn));
if ($mysqli_error = mysqli_error($dbConn)) { // check & declare variable in same step to avoid duplicate func call
mysqli_query($dbConn, "ROLLBACK");
echo "
<div style=\"color:red;\">Query Key = ", key($q), "</div>
<div style=\"color:blue;\"> Query = ", current($q), "</div>
<div style=\"color:green;\"> Syntax Error = $mysqli_error</div>
mysqli_query($dbConn, "COMMIT");
클래스 함수 선언
public static function mysql_multi_query($dbConn, $multiQuery, $isArray = true)
mysqli_query($dbConn, "START TRANSACTION");
if ($isArray){
if (mysqli_multi_query($dbConn, implode(';', $multiQuery))) {
do {
$q_key = key($multiQuery); // current query's key name (Orders or Inventory)
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($dbConn)) { // if a result set... SELECTs do
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { // if one or more rows, iterate all
$rows[$q_key][] = $row;
//echo "<div><pre>" . var_export($rows[$q_key], true) . "43242342</pre></div>";
} while (next($multiQuery) && mysqli_more_results($dbConn) && mysqli_next_result($dbConn));
if ($mysqli_error = mysqli_error($dbConn)) { // check & declare variable in same step to avoid duplicate func call
mysqli_query($dbConn, "ROLLBACK");
echo "
<div style=\"color:green;\">Query Key = ", key($multiQuery), "</div>
<div style=\"color:blue;\"> Query = ", current($multiQuery), "</div>
<div style=\"color:red;\"> Syntax Error = $mysqli_error</div>
} else {
if (mysqli_multi_query($dbConn, $multiQuery)) {
do {
// store first result set
if ($result = mysqli_store_result($dbConn)) {
// fetch one and one row
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
//printf("%s\n", $row[0]);
// free result set
// if there are more result-sets, the print a divider
if (mysqli_more_results($dbConn)) {
} while (mysqli_more_results($dbConn) && mysqli_next_result($dbConn));
if (mysqli_errno($dbConn)) {
echo "Error: " . mysqli_error($dbConn);
if ($multiQuery = mysqli_error($dbConn)) { // check & declare variable in same step to avoid duplicate func call
mysqli_query($dbConn, "ROLLBACK");
echo "
<div style=\"color:blue;\"> Query = ", $multiQuery, "</div>
<div style=\"color:green;\"> Syntax Error = $multiQuery</div>
mysqli_query($dbConn, "COMMIT");
클래스 함수를 이용한 처리 방법
$multiQuery["0"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test0'";
$multiQuery["1"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test1'";
$multiQuery["2"] = "insert into test_db set name = 'test2'";
$multiQuery = "
insert into test_db set name = 'test1';
insert into test_db set name = 'test2';
insert into test_db set name = 'test3';
insert into test_db set name = 'test4';
Cm::mysql_multi_query($dbConn, $multiQuery, false);
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